As you enter the office you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly chiropractic assistants. New patients often comment on how calming and peaceful our office is when they come in for the first time, and that’s great because we want you to be as comfortable as possible, especially when you’re in pain.

After filling out the paperwork, you’ll be taken to a private room where the doctor will take a detailed history, perform an exam of the area(s) of complaint. If the doctor determines the need for x-rays you will be referred out for x-rays to be taken by an independent local x-ray facility. Next, we’ll apply muscle stimulation and heat therapy to those painful areas followed by a pre-adjustment massage and pressure point therapy by one of our certified massage therapists. By the time you see the doctor again you will be extremely relaxed and ready for your adjustment.

After your adjustment the doctor will schedule a follow-up appointment with you in order to determine further care and a treatment plan. On your first visit wear something loose and comfortable, if able, and set aside about 45-60 minutes for the entire visit.

Vacaville chiropractic patients appreciate that we explain everything in advance!

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